Marek Kapolka

Marek Kapolka

The Monastery Garden

< Projects

This is a lil' proof of concept game prototype I made for the 7 Day Roguelike Challenge. It's not so much a proper roguelike as an experiment with a way of simulating objects by breaking their behavior down into atomic elements. A bucket, for instance, would have the properties "container", meaning that it can store other objects, "open", meaning that things can be taken out or put in freely (also things will fall out if the container is jostled), "flammable" because it is made out of wood, etc. These properties interact with each other to create a systemic language and new objects can be created by describing them with this pseudo-language. These properties are also tagged and separated into groups like "physical", "checmical", or "mechanical" and thus can be operated on and transferred from one object to another in believable ways. For instance, melting a tea kettle would cause it to retain its material and checmical properties, but it would lose its mechanical properties.

Being that it's more of a proof of concept, the game itself is a bit simple and not very user-friendly, but there are a few interesting things you can do in it already. The above screenshot shows the result of transplanting the brain of the cat (Theophile) into the body of the hideous troll. The biological/psychological functions of the creatures in the game are modeled using the same process as the physical properties, but the scripts are attached to organs inside the creatures so they can be removed and transplanted. Once the organs are inside of a creature they'll act on their host generically (some of these behaviors check for properties like "animated" or "mobile" to prevent things like sentient buckets). The results of these mashups can be occasionally surreal but the diversity of the interactions could allow for some interesting possibilities for a sandbox game.